User Accounts

Tips, How-tos and troubleshoot guides on Windows 10 User account and User management. Check this section if you are facing any issue related to User profile corruption, unable to logon etc.

How to Change Account Lockout Threshold for Local Accounts in Windows 10?

How to Change Account Lockout Threshold for Local Accounts in Windows...

The number of unsuccessful sign-in attempts that will result in a local account being locked is determined by the Account lockout threshold policy option....
How To Know If User Account Is Administrator Or Standard In Windows 10?

How To Know If User Account Is Administrator Or Standard In...

Windows users need to create a user account while signing in to their Windows PC. There are two types of Windows User account, one...
Meaning Of Command Line Syntaxes On Windows 10

How To Find Security Identifier (SID) of User in Windows 10?

SID for Windows 10 stands for Security Identifier. Security Identifier is a unique, string value, which is used to differentiate among users, home groups...

How To Create A New User Account In Windows 10?

In this article, you will learn how to create a new user account in Windows 10. Steps To Create A New User Account In Windows...

How To Disable Security Questions On Windows 10?

Security questions is an added layer of security for any of your online account, device, email, etc. If you forget your password, then you...
uac notification

How To Change Windows User Account Control Notification Sound In Windows...

User Account Control (UAC) is an advanced security infrastructure in Windows operating system. The basic function of this service is to grant permission to...
How To Get Files On Demand In OneDrive On Windows 10

How To Get Files On Demand In OneDrive On Windows 10?

We have a very common notion that cloud storage saves our computer storage. Well, cloud storage is important for our important data but it...

How To Enable Password Expiration In Windows 10?

Windows 10 allows users to create local user account besides the Microsoft Live Account. As you know, Microsoft Live account is mandatory in Windows...

How to Turn Off Birthday Alerts in Windows 10?

Birthday alerts throughout the day in Windows 10 is one of the most irritating features. Even Facebook has birthday alerts but that is a...

How To Re-register a Specific App for Current Account in Windows...

There are times when you want to open certain Windows 10 Universal Apps, but the apps don't open and display the following message "This...