Windows Phone 8.1 will let users customize the Start screen. Users can choose their own background images and personalize it according to their choice. This is what the leaked images say about Windows Phone 8.1. There had been a rumor spread before that users will be able to personalize their Start screen but now the leaked images indicate that.

Windows Phone 8.1 custom Start Screen backgrounds images leaked

The images were found on a Weibo account in China and was shared by Windows Phone Italy . The Windows 8.1 for mobile is in RTM stage and Microsoft has still not said anything regarding Windows Phone 8.1. So we can’t assure when the feature would make up to Windows Phone 8.1.

Microsoft has still not confirmed anything about Windows Phone 8.1 but the company is expected to make the update official as part of its 2014 BUILD conference announcements in early April.


Nick is a Software Engineer. He has interest in gadgets and technical stuffs. If you are facing any problem with your Windows, feel free to ask him.



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