WZor leaked the pictures and screenshots of Windows 10 Build 10135. The leaked build included release notes which mentions that not much change has been found in the Build 10135 from the Official Insider build 10135. The leaked one doesn’t also have much difference from the previously leaked build 10134.
Wzore wrote in Twitter, “Is NOT an original ISO image it is WZT homebrew. Available 9 UI Languages: ar-SA, de-DE, en-US, es-ES, fi-FI, fr-FR, it-IT, pt-BR, ru-RU”.
But you are recommended not to install this leaked Build because an official build from Microsoft is expected very soon. If Microsoft plans to gatecrush Apple’s WWDCC keynote, then the official might drop in any time.
The new features included Enterprise version from the winmain branch which allows you to change editions from Enterprise to Home and Pro, and includes 9 language packs, other changes are not known.