Microsoft has launched the Windows 10 Technical Preview and consumer preview is on the verge of release but the company has remained mum about the phone operating system. But recently news has arrived that a new feature in UI known as Mixview. Mixview is a 3 dimensional user interface that facilitates Live Tiles to expand and explode giving it a realistic presentation.

Mixview feature might come with exploding Live Tiles in Start Screen for Windows 10 for phones

The Mixview concept brings new changes in the User interface by introducing the floating or flying Tiles. The feature was once said to come with Lumia McLaren but it did not turn up however. Finally we hear that the feature will make its appearance with Windows 10. Microsoft has started working with partners and making builds of Windows 10 for phones. Rumors say that Windows 10 for phones will provide interactive user interface. We hope that the rumors turn true for both Windows 10 phones and tablets. There has been no word of confirmation regarding the launch or announcement of Windows 10 for phones but we can expect it to roll up by 2015.


Nick is a Software Engineer. He has interest in gadgets and technical stuffs. If you are facing any problem with your Windows, feel free to ask him.


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