The Game Bar in Windows 10 is an application of Xbox that lets you capture screenshots and clips of games or Game DVR and help you share those content. Game Bar not only records game but also captures screenshots for any other application. When you open Game Bar, for any game or application, then the game is remembered and stored. If you uncheck the option “Remember this as a game”, you will no longer be prompted with the question if it’s a game!
Steps to Undo ‘Remember this as a game’ for Game DVR in Windows 10
1. Press Windows+G to enable the Game Bar.
2. The Game Bar will pop up as ask you Do you want to open Game Bar?. Check the option Yes, this is a game.
3. Now select the Settings (Gear) icon.
4. You will find an option Remember this as a game. Uncheck it. Your problem will be solved.