A VPN is a way to access files, printers, applications, and intranet websites via an encrypted connection from a remote location using the Internet. You can create a closed VPN server. This means that the server would be used internally, but it would not grant access to the Internet. Or VPNs can be used to allow you to access the resources mentioned above and at the same time grant Internet access. In simple words, VPN creates a tunnel for your data, so that your data is secured and shielded. There are inumerable VPN services available in the market. THe paid VPN services are always better than the free ones. Very often malware applications come camouflaged as free VPN apps, but instead of protecting you, they destroy your integrity.
Many individuals and business owners swear by the most popular VPNs on the market. However, in this guide we are going to discuss how you can create a public VPN server using Windows 10.
Creating a Public VPN Server Using Windows 10
1. The first thing that you need to do is find your IP address.
2. Next, you will need to set up port forwarding on your router.
3. Then, you will need to prepare the VPN server on Windows 10.
4. Next, you will need to get your firewall to allow VPN connections.
5. Finally, create a VPN connection using Windows 10.
How Do You Find Your IP Address?
• To find your IP address, open Control Panel> Network and Internet> Network and Sharing Center.
• Select “Local Area Connection.”
• Your IP address will appear next to “Autoconfiguration IPv4Address.”
Other options include visiting whatismyIP.com or simply searching in Google, “What is my IP?”
How to Set up Port Forwarding on Your Router
Configuring port forwarding will allow you to connect your VPN server via a public network like the Internet.
First, you will need to log into the admin panel of your router. Your router is the gateway for accessing the Internet.
Linksys Routers
1. The majority of Linksys routers have the same default setting. You can access the admin panel by entering into the address bar on your browser. If you have a smart router, http://myrouter.local will grant you access.
2. Admin is both a username and password, assuming that the default settings have not been changed.
D-Link Routers
1. You should be able to log into your D-Link router using http://mydlinkrouter.local or If that option does not work, try entering into your address bar.
2. Most D-Link routers are not password protected by default. The default username is admin. You will leave the password field blank.
BELKIN Routers
1. You can access BELKIN routers admin page by entering in your browsers address bar. Or http://router may also work.
2. BELKIN routers are set up without a password on the admin account. So, in most cases, the username should be left blank, though you may need to put “admin” into the username field, depending on how it was set up.
Netgear Routers
1. Netgear routers have login credentials on the bottom or the back of the device. If yours does not, just enter http://www.routerlogin.net in your browser address bar. Or use to access the login screen.
2. The username is always admin, and the password is either “password” or “1234.”
You can find the IP address of all routers on Windows 10 by entering CMD in the search field to access command prompt. In the window that appears, type in “IPconfig.”
Now that you have logged into your router, you want to find a menu that’s labeled either:
• Applications and Gaming
• Port Forwarding
For connections that are based on point-to-point tunneling protocol, the port number should be set to 1723. Save your new configuration and then restart your router.
Setting up a VPN Server Using Windows 10
1. In the Cortana search box, type “ncpa.cpl.”
2. Highlight the network adapter that you are using for the VPN connection.
3. On your keyboard, hold down “Alt + F” This will bring down the “File Menu.”
4. Select “New Incoming Connection.”
5. Now, a mini window will appear that allows you to select the user accounts on said machine that has access to the VPN connection.
If you select the “Add Someone” button on the lower left of this page, you can add additional individuals in the white listing for accessing the VPN connection.
Click “Next” and you will be given the option to determine the number of people who will be able to connect to the network. Check the box for “Through the Internet.” Then click next.
You are going to be directed to a page that will allow you to configure the network.
Select IPV4 and then click on Properties.
Here you will need to determine:
• How IP addresses are allocated to users
• Which users will access your LAN
• Additional settings
Click on Okay and you will save your settings.
Once you have finished configuring the network, click Allow Access. You will be given the option to print this information for further reference. Click on Close to finish the configuration process.
Allow VPN Connections through the Firewall
1. In the Cortana search box, type “Allow an app through Windows Firewall.”
2. Click the appropriate results and open the Windows firewall settings page. Click the Change Settings button.
3. Ensure that “Routing and Remote Access” is enabled for public and private networks.
4. Click Okay
Set up a VPN Connection Using Windows 10
You can set up a PPTP connection on Windows 10 if you have the following information:
• The VPN server name or address
• VPN protocol
• The password and username to connect to the VPN server
• If required, the particular connection name needed for the connection
• If needed, the details of the IP and port number for the proxy
As you can see, setting up a VPN server on Windows 10 takes a little bit of work, but it’s relatively simple. Often times, companies will use a VPN as a way of extending their private network, thereby allowing employees to access certain resources through a public network as if they were still connected to the company’s network.
What has been your experience setting up a VPN server on Windows? Have you run into any challenges, or do you have any tips that you think our readers might appreciate? If so, let us know in the comments section below. Thanks for reading.