The latest version of Opera web browser has a very nice feature called Search pop up. When you select any test on any website opened in the browser, an option pops up with two options- Search and Copy. This feature is useful because you get the most commonly used functions in handy. However if this feature could not impress you and you want to turn it off, then here is your tip!

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Steps to Disable the Search-Copy pop up on selecting text in Opera

1. Open Opera browser. Open Menu at the top left corner and go to Settings. You can directly open Settings options by pressing the shortcut key combinations Alt+P.

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2. In the left panel, click on Browser.

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3. In the right panel, scroll down to User Interface. There, you will find an option Enable the search popup on selecting text.

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4. Uncheck the option. Close the browser and re-open it. Now select a text and you won’t find any pop up.

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Nick is a Software Engineer. He has interest in gadgets and technical stuffs. If you are facing any problem with your Windows, feel free to ask him.



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