Microsoft office is the most efficient and expansive application software for your computer. Microsoft office includes Word document, excel sheet, power point presentations, etc. If you feel MS office is costly as per your requirement you have several alternate options. You can download some useful free software.
1. LibreOffice

LibreOffice is a free, open source desktop application. LibreOffice is a part of and was created on 2010. It is worked as OpenOffice. LibreOffice is supported on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Just note that as this is a free it does not provide its own support.
LibreOffice does not provide any assistance to their user directly, but it gives conditional support to the third party who are selling their product like bug fixing, training on LibreOffice at basic advanced level.
If any large company wants to use LibreOffice with professional support they can get that from approved third parties. Many governments throughout the world, prefer LibreOffice to get rid of costly agreement of Microsoft Office.
LibreOffice suits Writer (word processing), Calc (spreadsheets), Draw (graphics and flowchart), Math (formula editing), Database, Presentation.
Read More: Microsoft Office 365 as Your Personal E-Student Card
2. Google Drive
Google drive is one of the most popular free web-based apps of Google and one of the biggest competitors of Microsoft Office. It provides all facilities, almost same as Microsoft Office. Google docs, slides, drawings and sheets are the most user friendly apps from Google drive.
Google drive uses iCloud storage to save files. Google Drive includes lots of third-party tools like AutoCAD, Zoho, Aviary, Demos, Slack etc.
Goggle drive can be used personally as well as at enterprise level too. Create a free Google account to access Google drive. If you want to use it at enterprise level upgrade your account to G-Suite with more features, storage and support.
3. iWork
iWork is very familiar to Mac users as an alternative to Microsoft Office. It includes Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Mac users can access iWork through iCloud for free from iPad and iPhone. Navigate any browser to iCloud website and sign up for free to create an account. Initially iWork may not be familiar to use. iWork saves files securely at iCloud. All Microsoft Office file types are finally compatible with iWork.
Also Read: An Ultimate Guide On How To Optimize Your Essay Writing Using Microsoft Office
4. FreeOffice

FreeOffice is supported on Windows, Linux, Mac and Android and has been developed and designed by company Softmaker. The features of FreeOffice are very robust and user-friendly. Its layout includes Touch mode that makes it easier to use on tablet or phone.
FreeOffice is compatible with all Microsoft Office file types. It includes all the features and tools that are expected to be in modern productivity app. FreeOffice offers Word, Excel, PowerPoint presentation and for developers, a programming environment with scripting language called BasicMaker is there.
FreeOffice also has a premium version with more features like scripting support and file management for one-time cost $79.99. You also can get the subscription at $2.99 per month.
5. WPS Office

WPS office is another alternative software to compete Microsoft Office. It comes from Chinese developer Kingsoft. This is very use friendly software as Microsoft office. It includes word, excel, PowerPoint presentation.
WPS office is available for Windows, Linux, Mac, and Android and all modern Apple devices.
It provides secure storage cloud with 200MB upload limit and 1GB free space. It also supports some web apps and pdf tools.
6. Microsoft Office Free Online
If your requirement is minimum, you can sign up with Microsoft Office online. It includes minimum features like Word, Excel, PowerPoint .
From desktop or mobile devices, Microsoft Office can be accessed. Navigate to the and sign up or sign in to the free Microsoft office online.
That’s all!