How to Change Your Weather Location in Windows 8.1?
Weather app of windows 8 and 8.1 gives you regular updates on weather and climatic conditions all over the world. If you visit from...
How to Add or Remove “Lock” from the User Tile Menu...
If you want to add or remove "Lock" from the User Tile Menu of Windows 8.1, please follow the steps below. Steps to...
How to Fix Word 2013 Error “There Was A Problem Sending...
When multiple versions of MS Office are installed in your computer problem may arise in sending command to the program. There is a way...
How to Copy Files From Subfolders To One Folder in Windows...
This tutorial will help you to copy Files From Subfolders to One Folder in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 Steps to Copy Files From...
How To Recover Your Windows 8.1 Password?
You must always keep your computer password protected in order to abstain from any data loss by any means. Windows 8.1 let you login...
Where is The Startup Folder On Windows 8.1 and how to...
Windows 8 has completely changed its interface with the arrival of Windows 8. The start screen added to the os acts as a dashboard...
How to Backup Your Mail App Email Messages in Windows 8...
Mail app is a very important app for users of Windows 8 and 8.1 computers and it is generally accessed using a Microsoft account...
How to Fix Mouse Lag in PC Games on Windows 8.1?
Windows 8.1 provides better performance with high DPI displays but it has some loop holes like the settings for mouse has also changed which...
How PowerShell Differs From the Windows Command Prompt?
You may have discovered a fresh command-line environment in Windows since Windows 7 PowerShell. PowerShell is a major and more brawny command-line shell...
Windows Remote Desktop
Windows remote desktop is where you share one desktop with multiple computers. This is something that you can do on your own with your...