After waiting for eternity, Windows 10 Mobile users has finally got the Facebook app. Windows 10 Mobile users had to remain contend with a Beta version since June. Besides, users needed to change their region in order to experience the Beta app or remain contend with a slow buggy version of Facebook App. The image below is not a confirmed one because the app shown here is an iOS port, using Facebook’s in-house Osmeta tools.
facebook app

Facebook has really not been interested in improving the apps and it’s clear from the fact that Facebook and Messenger for Windows 10 were launched in April with a promise that the mobile versions will show up very soon. But that didn’t happen within four months and thus it became clear that Facebook is not really concerned with Windows 10 Mobile. At present, there are at least two Facebook apps in the Windows Store, and with a quest of getting the latest have, you probably end up having four apps on your device.

Both Facebook and messenger is here for Windows 10 Mobile and PC but the app is huge about 100 MB.


System Requirements

OSWindows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Mobile
Architecturex86, x64, ARM
OSWindows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Mobile
Architecturex86, x64, ARM


Nick is a Software Engineer. He has interest in gadgets and technical stuffs. If you are facing any problem with your Windows, feel free to ask him.



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