Windows Store doesn’t allow certain functions like copying the direct link of an App, opening a Windows Store App on a browser and so on. While these limitations may not bother you as such, but will emerge as problems when you actually try to perform the above mentioned operations. For the first operation, that is copying the direct link of a Windows App, there is a solution application. It’s known as Share via Clipboard. This is a free Windows app available in Windows Store. It enables copying the links of any Windows Store app.

1. First install the Share via Clipboard app.

Share via Clipboard
Share via Clipboard

2. Now find an app from Windows Store whose link is to be copied. Once you find out,  click the ‘Share’ button under the app’s rating.


3. Now a panel will emerge in the right hand side. Choose Share via Clipboard.


4.  Now click copy to Clipboard.



5. Paste the link and share it with any app you want.


That’s all!



Nick is a Software Engineer. He has interest in gadgets and technical stuffs. If you are facing any problem with your Windows, feel free to ask him.


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