To describe in brief PuTTY is a free and open source network file transfer application developed by Simon Tatham. This was first written in Windows platform but now PuTTY is cmpatible to other platforms also. It can be ported to Unix-Like platforms, with work in progress ports to Mac OS and Mac OSx and some more platforms like Symbian and Windows Mobile. PuTTY supports several network potocols like Telnet, SCP, SSH and rlogin.

PuTTY SSH client is available on the Windows Phone Store

This PuTTY has moved into a closed Beta. Numerous apps for SSH connectivity are available in Windows Store for the mobile platform. The application uses an on-screen keyboard for input which includes more key than that is present in the system counter part. PuTTY keyboard help to send commands that is otherwise not possible in conventional Windows keyboard. The application is free of .


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