Microsoft has again pushed new updates for Office Lens for both iOS and Android. It’s been found that compared to the Android version, the iOS app has received more updates. If you are not aware of Office Lens application, then it’d for you information that Lens is a very useful app developed Microsoft that helps you scan documents, business cards, receipts that have QR codes and many such stuffs using the phone camera only.

Microsoft Updates Office Lens For iOS And Android

The Office Lens app makes its scanned documents into editable ones and lets you share the documents via OneDrive, MS Word, OneNote, MS PowerPoint, MS Outlook, etc. Check out the features of iOS and Android:

The features added to iOS update are:

  • Photo rotation
  • Multi-scanning
  • 3D Touch — This update lets you select modes by pressing down on the Office Lens home icon.
  • Users can scan business cards in Simplified Chinese and extract contact information.
  • Users can scan handwritten text in English and export it to OneNote.
  • A new bug fix where users who have the same Office 365 and Microsoft account can use Office Lens with both accounts.
  • Download from App Store

    Features added to Android version of Lens:

    • You can scan handwritten text in English and export it to OneNote.
    • Photo rotation
    • Lets you scan business cards in Simplified Chinese and extract contact information

    Download from Play Store


    Nick is a Software Engineer. He has interest in gadgets and technical stuffs. If you are facing any problem with your Windows, feel free to ask him.


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