Microsoft is planning for a change of name of its Skype for Business app and will rename is as SkypeCentral. Ever since the inception of Windows 10, Microsoft has been focusing on Universal Apps and as far as reports are concerned, Microsoft is trying to launch a Universal app by merging their business with consumer products. The Skype for Business app is expected to be named SkypeCentral.
Such conclusion has been also drawn from a recent blog post by Microsoft. The Microsoft post said:
Placeholder entry for Skype Central Universal Windows 10 App. The idea is to have a shared blog from which PFE/DSE engineers can update the main landing page of the app to include news, troubleshooting, CU release information, or anything related to Skype for Business. This shared blog feed will be the mechanism from which Windows 10 Live Tiles are updated (notifications in Action Center, Live Tile data update, new article count, etc). This shared blog/feed can be hosted on TechNet or a 3rd party blogging service which complies with RSS 2.0.
Microsoft has been closing many small utility apps and consolidating the features in one single app. It has also remived msny camera related app and consolidated every feature in the Camera application. Similarly, the Redmond based company is joining the business and consumer counterparts of Skype to form one single application named SkypeCentral.
Source: Microsoft