Microsoft has launched two of its most affordable handset in India just a few weeks before. Nokia Lumia 640 was priced 11,999 INR that attracts the customers who wants to grab a desirable Microsoft product within budget. And now the price has been cut down by 2000 INR over the officially announced price.
The 5-inch Lumia 640 is available just for Rs 9,999/- in India from the leading online retailer Flipkart. If we look at all the specifications of Lumia 640, it’s a profitable purchase. The 5-inch smartphone with 1280×720 HD display has Quad-core 1.2 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor with 1GB RAM and 8GB storage capacity with microSD support up to 128GB. This device is protected by Gorilla Glass 3. It has a replaceable 2500mAh battery and supports NFC Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n and Bluetooth 4.0. It has got 8 MP auto focus rear camera with LED flash and 1080p video recording and has got 0.9 MP front camera with a wide angle f/2.4 lens and support for 720p video. The dual SIM, 3G handset operates on Windows 8.1 OS. The sleek and light weight phone has not only attractive features but even comes with attractive offers such as Free 1 year Office 365 Subscription worth Rs. 3299 and 1 TB One Drive Storage* (T&C applies).
The device offers great value for price. So what are you waiting for? If you want to grab a budget smartphone with good specifications…this is the ONE!! Just order it in Flipkart to own your Lumia 640.