When Windows 8 and Windows Phone had been launched, the Microsoft Development Team was very much eager to show that the apps built on both the system for viewing photos have been exclusively made for synchronizing all the data related to pictures from the various networking sites such as Flickr and Facebook. The Windows 8.1 Update version is cutting down the integration on such issues from both networking sites in addition to network storage.

facebook flickr integration dropped in windows 8.1

The reason according to Microsoft Community Forum Post is that the Facebook and Flickr integration would be a temporary fix for the mean time till more apps are ready to be launched in the Windows Apps Market related to such issues. Presently developers are working on developing apps for viewing pictures and other related activities.

A Microsoft spoke-person commented on a post in the forum stating that ” In Windows 8, we wanted to provide a way for users to view their photos on other services knowing there would be few apps in the store at launch that would do so”. There are many such other apps that provide methods to view photos on other services.

The community part of the Microsoft Community Forum weren’t pleased by the answers discussed in the forum. Facebook hs as already committed that it will be developing such apps to offer such service related to photos in Windows 8.1. Most user don’t even want to remove the feature of viewing photos from Facebook and Flickr at an early stage.

The Windows 8.1 photos app includes a small photo editing functionality as well as it includes an option of Photosynth panoramic that enables a user to create 360-degree photo frames.

As of now what the final talk of the Microsoft spoke-person remains final and coming to facebook and flickr integration, the users will either have to continue using Windows 8 and should not upgrade their operating system or else they can use other such apps which provide same kind of service until and unless Facebook and Flickr develop some official apps for such use.


Susham is a part time blogger and a Software Engineer by Profession. He has keen interest in latest Gadgets and Tech updates. Like us he is also passionate about Windows 8.


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