Registry Editor is the editor for Windows operating system registries. Windows Registry is the hierarchical database that stores low-level settings for the operating systems. The keys and values store bit values. Various entities such as kernel, device drivers, services, Security Accounts Manager (SAM), and user interface, almost all use the registry. It contains bit level information about every setting, profiles, configuration for both hardware and software based settings. The registry also allows access to counters for profiling system performance.
There are keys, subkeys, Dword values and Qword values that keep information about a program’s location, its version, initiation of a program, etc.
Whenever we need to make any change to the registry, we use the Registry Editor. In the Registry Editor, you can also search for a particular key or value data. In this article we shall show you how doing that. Check out the following steps.
Steps To Search The Windows Registry For A Key, Value, Or Data
1. First, press Windows+R to open the Run window. Type regedit and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.
2. You won’t find a conventional Search option. Go to Edit and click on Find
3. The Find dialog box opens. There are three options, Keys, values and data. Check the one you want to search for. If you want to search for all the three options, then check all the checkboxes. You can match the entire string, or just a part of it.
Keep patience as searching a key or value needs some time to scan the registry entirely.