If your biggest concern right now is passing Microsoft 70-346 exam, then you should continue reading this article. It will help you with ways to prepare yourself adequately to ensure you pass Microsoft 70-346 exam. There are countless people giving countless advice on the issue of certificate exam preparation. In this article, we will bring the best and tried-and-tested methods of preparation and discuss online resources which can offer you the best help.
Some people advise examinees to read books, some consider watching video tutorials and others advice examinees to enroll in institutions. Every candidate has their own means of preparing to pass the certification exam.
Before we start on the ways to prepare yourself for the70-346 exam, we must let you know a few things. Microsoft MCSA 70-346 Dumps for the exam are also referred to as Managing 365 Identities and Requirements Certification. Also, you need to know that 70-346 dumps are very helpful when it comes to preparing yourself for the certification exam.
Skills assessed in the exam
Prepaway Microsoft 70-346 evaluates your skills to accomplish the technical tasks listed below:
- Provision Office 365;
- Execute and sustain identities via SSO;
- Sustain clod identities;
- Plan and execute networking and security in Office 365;
- Execute and sustain identities utilizing DirSync;
- Monitor and troubleshoot Office 365 accessibility and usage.
It should be noted,however, that it does not necessarily mean that the questions in the exam will directly relate to these topics. It is clarified on the official exam website that the exam may not be only limited to these topics and it is possible that the questions do not relate to all the tasks that have been listed above.
Who should take this examination?
The first important question you should be asking yourself is whether you need this certification or not? It is possible that your field of expertise lies somewhere else and you might just be wasting your time with something that might not be worth as much as you might actually think. This is true, the official Microsoft examination page makes it a point to clarify the scope of this examination and clarifies as to who should appear for this exam.
According to Microsoft, the 70-346 exam should be taken by IT professionals who have a decent experience with tools like Skype for Business Online, Azure Active Directory,and Office 365 ProPlus etc. Microsoft also recommends that the candidates opting for this exam should be those individuals who have a role to play in the deploying, planning, operating and assessing of Office 365 services. However, candidates should not just have general superficial know-how but rather should have experience with integrating services with identity management and infrastructure and experience with configuration options and service descriptions.
I fit the description, where do I start preparation?
As a general rule, exam preparation is a tedious task which the majority of us do not like to do but the necessity of the end result i.e. in this case, the certification forces us to move forward with our preparation. Below, we have mentioned a general strategy you should be aware of in order to ensure that you pass the exam with flying colors.
- Review all the exam study resources prepared by Microsoft experts and this is a must.
- To score high marks, ensure to obtain 70-346 exam questions and answers exam dumpsto help you in your preparation.
- Give your best during Microsoft 70-346 exam and ensure that you tackle all questions.
The above three tips are just a gist of the whole preparation process and in the following paragraphs, we will further elaborate upon these ideas to give you a complete foolproof preparation plan which will guide you step-by-step in order to pass the exam in the first attempt.
Exam preparation
Some people are great at consuming textual data, others are good at remembering lectures and there are some who prefer writing or scribbling down in order to memorize and ready themselves for the exam. Depending on what sort of character you are, you may choose all or some of the exam preparation methods that we have shared below.
- Two Heads are better than one:
It is not easy preparing for the exam alone hence it is recommended that you join a study group online. This way you can find other aspiring candidates who are also just as concerned about their exam preparation as you are. Such study groups are a great way to communicate with other like-minded individuals and professionals. It gives you the opportunity to ask questions and clarify your weak points for a better exam experience.
- Exam Books and Online Material
Microsoft provides exam books for this exam so that candidates can learn and increase their knowledge in order to attempt the exam with a greater chance at success. You can learn through Microsoft Virtual Academy online as well and make use of Office 365 courses. Apart from Microsoft’s help, you can head to other online materials and exam dumps for a thorough and complete training for the exam.
- Exam Simulators and Mock Exams
A good way to test out your knowledge before appearing in the final examination is to attempt an exam in a virtual online simulator. These simulators create an actual exam like environment in order to quiz you with not just questions but also the pressures of the exam. It is an excellent learning opportunity and gives you a fair idea as to your chances of success in the actual exam.
Exam preparation is a tricky process especially when we weigh in the fact that people prefer different methods of learning when it comes to education. Amazingly, some people even consider their first exam attempts as a preparatory attempt so that they can find success in the second attempt. We do not recommend it especially considering the financial brunt that you may have to bear. We believe that if you prepare well and keep the above points in account there is nothing that can bar you from passing 70-346 exam.