System and Security

All Windows 10 Security and System tips. Know Windows 10 Technical Preview System and security tools details, new security features of Windows 10, different registry tweaks etc. Which Antivirus is optimized for Windows 10? How to enable maximum security for your Windows 10? Get all details.


What Is The Optimum Page File Size for 64-bit versions of...

Now, Microsoft is producing mostly 64-bit versions of Windows 10. For fast and flawless processing, 64-bit operating system requires larger RAM capacity. Despite the...
How To Fix Runtime Error 217 On Windows 10?

How To Fix Runtime Error 217 On Windows 10?

Runtime error 217 is a common error encountered by Windows 10 users. There are various reasons behind this error, such as, error in configured...
What Is GoogleCrashHandler in Windows 10?

What Is GoogleCrashHandler in Windows 10?

Google has a package management system called Google Updater, which is responsible for managing, downloading, installing updates of Google applications. Google Updater has an...
How To Fix Csc.exe Application Error In Windows 10

How To Fix Csc.exe Application Error In Windows 10?

Windows 10 PC can experience the csc.exe error during shut down of the computer. Csc.exe is a C# compiler, which is a bit different...
How To Enable/Disable Driver Verifier In Windows 10?

How To Enable/Disable Driver Verifier In Windows 10?

According to Microsoft, Driver Verifier monitors Windows kernel-mode drivers and graphics drivers to detect illegal function calls or actions that might corrupt the system....
How To Check If System Files And Drivers Are Digitally Signed In Windows 10

How To Check If System Files And Drivers Are Digitally Signed...

Windows 10 and other versions of Windows digitally signs all its critical system files and drivers. This is to maintain the integrity of your...

How To Configure Early Launch Anti-Malware Boot-Start Driver Initialization Policy in...

Antimalware software applications have become advanced and efficient, but they are still unable to detect a plethora of malware attacks. This is when the...
Manage Discord CPU usage in Windows 10

How To Manage Discord CPU usage in Windows 10?

Discord is a VoIP, digital distribution platform as well as messaging service, which is quite popular among gamers and vloggers. Discord has multi-faceted service,...
SID Architecture

How To Find User Security Identifier (SID) On Windows 10?

SID stands for Security Identifier. For Windows 10, a security identifier is used to unique represent any security identity of the operating system, such...
auto restart BSOD

How To Enable BSOD Automatic Restart In Windows 10?

BSOD is the acronym for Blue Screen of Death, and it is also known as Stop error. Your Windows device may encounter an unexpected...