This article will help you to Turn Desktop Language Bar On or Off in Windows 8. Several languages can be used in Windows 8, specially when the computer is shared by users using various languages. Switching from one language to another requires sevral steps which may not always be welcomed. So it is advantageous to have a language bar on the Desktop to switch to various language modes. The following tutorial will help you to turn on Desktop Language bar in Windows 8 and also the method to turn it off.
Steps to Turn the Desktop Language Bar On or Off in Windows 8
1. Open Windows 8 Charms Bar and go to Settings. Now click on Change PC Settings.
2. Select General. Then Search for the Language tab, click on Language Preferences.
3. This will lead you to language preferences of Control Panel. Now click on Advanced Settings situated at the left pane.
4. There is an option Switching Input Methods. Check the option Use the Desktop Language bar when it’s available. Click Save.
Now you have successfully turned on the Desktop Language Bar. If you want to turn it off, repeat the above steps and unmark the switching option instead (step 4).