The credit repair business is a lucrative business that not only generates attractive profits but also helps many American consumers fix their credit status. Currently, many American consumers suffer from inaccurate credit reporting, and the cause of these errors are ranging from simple typographical mistakes to identity theft.
Credit repair software makes great helpful tools for specific functions within the credit repair business. Different types of software can generate letters or keep track of appeals sent to credit bureaus. However, the efficiency of the software can only be realized with its compatibility with a computer’s Operating System (OS). For Windows, you need to select the best credit repair software that runs on this OS.
This cutting-edge credit repair software comes out as the best Windows compatible software for fixing credit reports due to several reasons. It is easy to get started with DisputeBee due to the software having a walk-through feature that guides you through the process of generating dispute letters that you send on behalf of your clients to credit bureaus, banks, lenders, credit collection agencies, and other companies that process financial information. Thus, you will never be left hanging and wondering what to do the first time you use this software.
Pricing and Services
The good thing about DisputeBee is that its pricing is competitive, simple and straightforward. It also offers consumer or individual credit repair service and professional or business credit software service. The pricing for both categories is considered one of the most affordable prices in the market. Individual credit repair software packages range from $29 to $400 per month, and DisputeBee’s individual package is near the lowest end of the price range: at $39/month. Business credit repair software packages have plans that start at $99 to $800 per month, and DisputeBee once again delivers the cheapest deal at $99/month. Another good thing about its pricing is that it is cancellable at any time at no extra cost.
Whether you have the individual or business package, you’ll find many benefits from DisputeBee. Its most inherent feature is its ease of use. This is due to the user-friendly interface and instructions for the installation process up to the operation of the software for the first time. We’ll discuss the key features below.
Credit Report Importing
Both the individual and business packages need the importation of credit reports. The software provides an easy-to-follow walkthrough on how to access your personal or your client’s credit report, how the report is imported into DisputeBee and how to monitor it for changes like when negative and erroneous items getting removed from the report.
Automated Dispute Letter Generation
Once you have imported a credit report, you’ll be able to select report items you’d like to dispute. These items can be erroneous accounts, collections, credit inquiries, late payments and more. By just inputting basic information about yourself like your name, complete address and social security number, DisputeBee will instantly generate letters that are ready to be printed out and mailed to credit bureaus. DisputeBee also helps you leverage laws like the FCRA to help expedite the removal of negative items from their credit report.
Progress Tracker
This is another great feature of DisputeBee. After mailing your first round of letters to the credit bureaus, you will need to wait for a response from them and then upload the responses into DisputeBee. It may take several rounds of correspondence with the bureaus before you see some items get removed or some information getting corrected. DisputeBee will continue to generate response letters for you until the dispute is resolved, wherein the result would be the negative item in question being deleted from yours or the client’s credit report.
Having a reliable credit repair software can be a big boost to your credit repair business or to your individual credit score. A common feature credit repair software packages share are the streamlining of the credit dispute letter to the three major credit bureaus. Thus, they help speed up the dispute process, which in turn helps remove negative and inaccurate items from the individual’s or client’s credit reports, which then generate increased credit scores after the removal of erroneous negative items. So choose a credit repair software that is not only compatible with your OS but also compatible with your individual or business needs.