Pipo has unveiled a uniquely designed Windows 10 Hybrid tablet which will also run Android KitKat OS. The look and the feel of Pipo X9 is unusual and the tablet is attached permanently to a docking station. It looks almost similar to the predecessor Pipo X8 which was a combination of Windows TV Box and desktop tablet.
Check out the full specification for Pipo X9 are below:
The hybrid Windows Tablet Pipo X9 will run Windows 10 & Android 4.4 dual OS. The unique designed tablet will sport a
8.9-inch 1920 x 1200 LCD display. Pipo X9 is equipped with Intel Z3736F Quad-Core with processor speed upto 1.83GHz. Storage specs include 2GB DDR3L RAM and 32GB on board storage. Other features are Intel HD Graphics, support for Bluetooth 4.0, 802.11b/g/n LAN with built-in Speaker and Mic.
The Pipo X9 tablet is currently available for pre oder and is priced at $134 USD. The tablet will start shipping some time in October.