For studying and working on homework, students need convenient, useful and easy-to-use apps. Such programs will make you study much pleasant. Check out the following list and you will find app that will be helpful to you.
1. Google Drive
Through Google Drive, it is convenient to manage data in the account of the eponymous cloud service which came to us from the Google search engine. Google Drive has long ceased to be just a repository of old photos and videos. In particular, the Whatsapp messenger stores a backup copy of correspondence there, the operating system stores backups of parameters and personal information, the Docs and Spreadsheets editors also save all documents in the cloud.
All documents are stored in Drive by default. You can view, share, change access settings for other users. To create documents you will need to download additional applications: respectively, Docs, Sheets and Slides. For example, Docs will help you write an essay with pristine quotes. However, if students can’t deal with papers, they can get college essays simply buying them on a writing service.
With the advent of cloud servers, files are easy to share. How to do it:
- Open the file/folder menu in the Google Drive app.
- Select the item “Share”.
- Add the email of the users you want to grant access to.
2. OneNote: Powerful Notebook App
OneNote may not be as well known as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, but it can be just as useful – depending on how you work and organize your files. It is designed to be the maximum in a digital note, and gives you a wide range of opportunities for work. Thumbnails, lists, photographs, tables … OneNote can handle all this, and all your laptops are synced across all your devices.
Search allows you to instantly find the information you need in numerous notes. OneNote searches for words by typing on the keyboard, text in photos, and handwritten notes. You can group and structure your notes as you like for convenient use: OneNote is a very flexible information environment, unlike Word or a paper notebook.
OneNote has a built-in calculator. For example, if you write in 5 + 4 = [space], the program will automatically replace the space with the number “9”. The advantage over a conventional calculator is that the calculation history is saved on the page.
3. Anki Flashcards
I will not talk about the value of the methodology used in this application, if you are interested, you will find many reviews about it on the network. In short, I note that the application is aimed at storing different data due to interval repetition. The system is designed in the form of cards placed in one deck, on one of the sides, there is a conditional question, a term, and on the other — an answer or a designation.
You can memorize cards according to the “question-answer” scheme, and then turn them over and ask a question to the answer. The program counts the response time and, depending on how you evaluate your knowledge, will offer to repeat the session. At the first start, a brief help and suggestion appear: either create a training deck and go through a training session with it, or immediately click “Continue” and go to the program.
In fact, the flexibility of the settings it possesses is incredible. But learning the capabilities of the application should be gradual, depending on the needs of training. You can use the application in different ways. This can be an independent study of languages, the study of some highly specialized terms, the expansion of the vocabulary by creating decks with unfamiliar words.
4. Duolingo
For some time now, the question “how to learn a foreign language?” has received an answer: “download the application”. Of course, Duolingo is one of the best option. It is the most popular program in the world, according to developers, for this purpose. Processing statistical data of users from dozens of countries allows to make the learning process very convenient.
People giving such an answer can be understood. Libraries, dictionaries, textbooks are so old-fashioned, tiring, long-term and therefore inefficient. Duolingo is the only application replaces all of the above and even more. After installation, Duolingo offers either to start learning the language from scratch, or to pass a test, depending on the results of which the lesson program will be adjusted.
Duolingo is preferable to lots of other apps. You can consider the application as one of the main tools for mastering the language. However, to achieve good results, you need to do everything diligently. In other words, a person who intends to master the language, and not imitate the process, will find this app helpful.
5. Wolfram Alpha
Wolfram Alpha is an excellent resource for those who study or work at least occasionally with mathematical calculations. But it turns out that some of the features of the system may well come in handy for each of us in everyday life: for example, to find out how many calories are in 5 donuts eaten and even set up a musical instrument.
Using Wolfram Alpha, you can compare almost everything, you just need to enter a question in the search bar: books, comics, TV shows, films and even fictional characters — any products of pop culture. This is done by a standard query of the form x vs y.
Those who use cameras with a sufficient number of settings (including smartphones) often need to calculate the values of certain parameters: ISO, contrast, brightness, focal length, and others. Wolfram Alpha can help in this difficult task as well. In other words, it can help you not only with your homework, but with other things as well.
As you can see, there are some apps that can simplify student’s life. Using them, studying or doing homework will not be such a torture anymore.