Technology today is making life easier. The new generation of cell phones focus on accessibility and amazing user capabilities.
The new Windows phones are some of the most impressive when it comes to accessories. Accessories for smart phones have come a long way in 10 years.
Here are four accessories that are must-haves for your new Windows phone.
1. A Protective Case
First and most importantly, you’re going to need a sturdy phone case. You just spent a lot of money on a very breakable piece of technology that is incredibly easy to drop.
You are bound to drop your phone at one point, and the fall will be less traumatic with a sturdy case on it.
With a protective case, you have the power to protect it from any of your own clumsiness, as well as an opportunity to boost your style. Find the best cute case brand that’s right for you so you can find a stylish and protective cover for your expensive lifeline.
2. Near-Field Communication (NFC) Tags
These Near-Field Communication (NFC) tags allow magic to happen wherever you place them.
Since many Lumia devices are already equipped with this technology, all you need to do is tap your phone to the tags to create quick shortcuts for your apps. For example, some people add their tags to their car so they can seamlessly launch the music app or Bluetooth.
Not only do these tags boost accessibility, but they are also a great way to show off your new phone’s capabilities to your friends.
3. Exercise Arm Band
Thanks to new upgrades within the past few years, your phone will be able to see a lot more than the basic number of steps that you have taken. Your phone will be your dearest workout companion, so it’s important that you have a safe and efficient place to put it.
With a workout band, you can easily put your phone inside a pocket on your arm. This gives you the ability to track progress and measure analytics while you’re putting in gym time.
It will also keep your phone safe and dry. The last thing that you need is for your phone to be clanking around in your pocket and falling onto the pavement. An armband keeps your tech secure.
4. Inner Fence Credit Card Terminal for Windows 8
For those of you running small businesses, you may be surprised by how much your phone can make you more productive. This inner fence credit card terminal will allow you to take credit card payments wherever you are.
It even allows you to accept customer signatures and email receipts. Now that we’re nearly cash-less, this accessory is important for any business owner in need of a way to get paid easily.
This tool is not only useful for business owners, though, as it can also be used for bake sales, carwashes, Girl Scout Cookie Sales, and many other fundraisers that would generally require people to have cash.
So, if you have a new Windows phone, and you’re not quite sure what you need for it past the headphones and chargers, these four accessories will be sure to impress both you and your friends.
Buy One at a Time
With a phone case that is stylish and ready to keep your expensive phone safe, NFC Tags that are sure to amaze, an arm band fit for your exercising needs, and a credit card terminal updated to fit the needs of your phone and your business, you will have the essentials for your new phone.
If you’re budgets forbids impulsively buying all four upgrades, focus on one at a time. Start with a phone case and work down the list until you’re all set up.