Microsoft has announced that the Windows Subsystem for Linux is finally leaving the Beta version. The Windows Subsystem for Linux is going to be a fully supported feature in the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (FCU) due to ship in fall 2017.  Windows Insiders will get on the Windows Insider program will notice that WSL is no longer marked as a beta feature as of Insider build 16251.

So users will now be able to boost WSL as a daily developer toolset. The toolset is applicable for  building, testing, deploying, and managing your apps and systems on Windows 10.


Check out the WSL scenarios as depicted by Microsoft:

  • Run Linux Command-line tools for development and (basic) administration
  • Share and access files on the Windows filesystem from within Linux
  • Invoke Windows processes from Linux, e.g.
    ~$ cd /mnt/c/temp/ && echo “Hello” > hello.txt && notepad.exe hello.txt
  • Invoke Linux processes from Windows command-line, e.g.:
    C:\> bash -c “fortune | cowsay”

Microsoft says they do NOT support:

  • Linux distro’s running atop WSL are for interactive user scenarios, NOT for running production workloads on Apache/nginx/MySQL/MongoDB/etc.
  • Linux files are NOT accessible from Windows (we’re working to improve this scenario over time)
  • NO current plans to support X/GUI apps, desktops, servers, etc. at this time

As the Redmond based tech giant says,”The removal of the beta tag will result in a continued improvement in product quality over time, and demonstrates our continued commitment to making Windows a great platform upon which to run your Linux tools. We look forward to hearing & learning more from you about what works, what doesn’t, what features you’d like to see, and how WSL helps you achieve more.”


Nick is a Software Engineer. He has interest in gadgets and technical stuffs. If you are facing any problem with your Windows, feel free to ask him.


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