Besides enchanting the users with new things, Microsoft has kept itself busy with adding new features to the existing product. A new version of the SkyDrive for the iOS app is being launched that includes a new feature- camera backup.

 SkyDrive app for iOS: Camera backup feature added

The photographs you take with your iPhone or iPad are now automatically baked up in your SkyDrive cloud account and you need not worry anymore for losing your photographs. The new feature will give you option to choose whether you want the photos to get uploaded over the WiFi network or wireless data connection, you want to keep the original pictures or a reduced resolution version.

Not only camera backup, but some more enhancements have been integrated with the iOS app like One Note, Office mobile. The browser based integration has added new facilities like previewing your albums just like they would appear after you upload them in Facebook. Moreover, editing privacy can be done before sharing. This is an extremely good feature as we generally change the privacy after uploading photos and for a short span the photos are visible to viewers as set in the previous privacy setting. Microsoft is trying its best to unleash the best of SkyDrive so that it emerges to be more than a cloud but a personal belonging enriched with memories that a person treasures for owning.


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