ghost bubbles

Windows devices, especially Windows 10 tablets often encounter an issue where the screen starts flashing bubbles like spots. The mouse cursor bounces around the bubbles and the proper functioning is disturbed. This feature is called Ghost Touching because the screen suddenly starts functioning on its own and appears to be possessed by Ghost. There are some methods which you can try, in order to fix the issue.

  • You can disable visual touch feedback
  • Change Power Management Settings.
  • Check for hardware issues

Steps To Disable visual touch feedback

  1. Go to the Settings app from Windows Start.
  2. Select Ease of Access.
  3. In the left panel, you will get the ‘Other options’. Select it.
  4. In the right panel, find out the option ‘Show Visual Feedback when I touch the screen’ and uncheck it.
  5. Click Apply and then OK.

Steps To Change Power Management Settings

Touchscreen devices always have power settings in the optimum mode with an aim to save power. This is because mostly these devices run on battery. Sometimes, a sudden bug in the Power management settings can cause the touchscreen to become overactive resulting in the ghost bubbles to appear. Hence, you can disable the power saving of your touchscreen.

  1. First of all, open the Cortana search bar, and type Device Manager.
  2. As Device Manager opens, click on Human Interface Devices.
  3. Next, double tap on the list of HID compliant screen.
  4. This will redirect you to a new window. Next, go to the Power Management tab.
  5. You will find the option ‘Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power’. Uncheck the option.
  6. Finally, reboot your device.

Get the hardware checked

If the above processes do not work, then you can get the device checked by professional to see if there is any technical fault.


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  1. Or . . . just close your laptop and re-open it and that should fix it. I tried everything else and nothing worked and so I tried that and the ghost bubbles were gone when I opened it back up. Don’t shut the computer down or anything just close the lid while it is running and re-open. Should work.


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