How to Format the Cover Letter Properly ?

If you’re looking for a new job, the cover letter is a document that represents you to a potential employer. The more successfully you will create it, the more chances you will get to be approved! It’s also important to format your cover letter properly. Find useful tips on formatting your document without stress! Get the job of your dreams with a successful paper. Use a detailed guide to create a successful document.

Detailed Guide on Cover Letter Format

When you want to write a perfect cover letter to impress the employer, follow these guidelines to format your paper properly:

  1. The heading for your cover letter. With the heading, an employee informs their contacts to the hiring manager. According to the format rules, the traditional document requires writing this information at the top of the list left-aligned or centered. The heading may have icons, various colors, and fonts. The cover letter heading must include the following data:
    • Your full name. Choose a large font and bold text so it will be notable for readers.
    • Address (postal or email). You may write your zip code, city, and street. It’s also acceptable to omit details and write your state and city.
    • Phone. Please make sure you are writing your phone number with the relevant codes of area and country at the beginning. This is important especially if you are looking for a job abroad.
    • Email address. Just write your email, so the employer could send you a letter if needed. We suggest using a professional address like
    • Online profiles. Include links to your online profiles (LinkedIn profile or your personal site). 

Apart from this, include the following information about your potential employer in the cover letter heading:

  1. Сurrent date
  2. The name of the hiring manager
  3. The company’s name
  4. The company’s address and zip code
  5. Addressing your cover letter. When you send a letter to the company, you have only one chance to make a first impression on the manager. We suggest finding a manager’s name and address the cover letter to him/her. If you cannot find their name, use a greeting like “Dear Hiring Manager”. 
  6. The body paragraph of your cover letter. The cover letter body consists of three main paragraphs that include the intro part, the middle part, and a closing part. Follow the next guidelines, provided by professional writers from to make it properly:
    • The introduction
      • Grab the HR’s attention.
      • Introduce yourself to the manager.
      • Notice what position you want to get in the company.
      • Write where you found information about the job.
      • Describe why you see yourself as an asset to the company.
    • The middle paragraphs
      • Write about your qualifications.
      • Mention your skills.
      • Describe your experience. 
      • Make a little research about the company and write how you fit their work plan. Explain how you can help them in reaching goals and improving productivity.
    • The closing part of your cover letter
      • Thank the HR for their attention and time for reading your resume cover letter. 
      • Restate your contacts (email and phone).
      • Finish your letter with words that you’re hoping to be invited for an interview.
  7. The conclusion. Use a salutation at the end of your cover letter to be respectful to a hiring manager. You need to include your signature here. 
    • Salutations we recommend to use:
      • Sincerely
      • Best Regards
      • Cordially
      • Respectfully
      • Thank you for consideration
    • Salutations you should avoid:
      • Cheers
      • Warm regards
      • Yours sincerely
      • Take care
      • Best wishes
  1. The length of your document. As its recommended, your document should be about 250-400 words. There is no reason to write a very long cover letter that exceeds one page. The hiring managers usually don’t have a lot of time to read letters, so you should put only the most important information in your document. If you are sending a cover letter via email, make sure you are following the main rules:
    • Create a good subject line. Managers receive tons of emails for hiring positions every day. Provide the main information about the hiring position and write your name in the subject line of your paper. For example: “Sales Manager Position – Diana Kent”.
    • Relocate the information about your contacts. It’s awkward to start an email with your contact data. Move this block below to the salutation.
    • Delete the current data and the contact information about the company. As you are writing the email, there is no need to start it this way. 

Writing the cover letter is the first step to get invited to a job interview. It’s important not to miss your chances and make a good paper to impress the managers. So, now you’re ready to write and format a perfect cover letter following these instructions. We wish you good luck in creating the document and getting the position you apply for!


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