A power plan is an amalgamation of hardware along with system settings that takes care how your computer makes use of power. Power plans can assist you in saving a great deal of energy, increase the bar of your system performance, or attain an equilibrium between the two.

This article will demonstrate you how to copy all the settings of a particular power plan scheme in Windows to a text (.txt) file that can be utilized to permit you and others to view them from.
Power Plan settings

Steps to view Power Plan Settings in a Text File in Windows

1. Open command prompt (Windows + R -> Type cmd -> Enter).

2. To View Current Active Power Plan Scheme in a Text File, give in the below command.

powercfg /Q >%UserProfile%\Desktop\PowerPlanSettings.txt

Active Power Plan command

3. To View a Specified Power Plan Scheme in a Text File, give in the below command.

powercfg /list

Power Plan Command

4. After executing the above command, get GUID of the specific power plan and substitute in place in the below command.

Power Plan GUID

powercfg /Q SCHEME_GUID >%UserProfile%\Desktop\PowerPlanSettings.txt

For instance, I would place this below command for the pradz power plan.

powercfg /Q 460b4a19-2a24-43b9-801b-c313d0aeda37 >%UserProfile%\Desktop\PowerPlanSettings.txt

Specific Power Plan

5. When you open the .txt file, you would see a group like these below for every power plan setting. You would see the possible settings for each power plan, the current AC & DC setting is.

Note: The values would be shown in hexadecimal. If you want, you can use the free online hexadecimal to decimal converter to know what it’s set to.


Power Plan details


Nick is a Software Engineer. He has interest in gadgets and technical stuffs. If you are facing any problem with your Windows, feel free to ask him.


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