Microsoft has launched an artificially intelligent chat bot “Tay” which is available on Twitter and chat clients like GroupMe and KiK. The Tay bot has been developed with a research based motive. Scientists and researchers have a strong challenge ahead, which is educating bots to learn how they can converse with human beings.

Microsoft launched AI powered bot Tay targeted at Millennials

The audience targeted are mostly millennials i.e. people who have reached their early adulthood in the millennium year 2000. The bot Tay has been dubbed by its Microsoft and Bing creators as “AI fam from the internet that’s got zero chill!” The bot will interact with people at the above mentioned platforms to learn how people talk to each other, express their thoughts etc. By learning this, the bots can provide a deeper insight of how robots are supposed to converse with human beings in near future.

At present bot Tay has limited functionalities and is capable of performing only three functions like talking via text, playing games such as guessing the meaning of a string of emojis and commenting on photos sent to it.

Tay’s website says:

Tay may use the data that you provide to search on your behalf. Tay may also use information you share with her to create a simple profile to personalize your experience. Data and conversations you provide to Tay are anonymized and may be retained for up to one year to help improve the service.

Tay can perform a couple of things. When a user communicates with Tay, she tracks her Nickname, Gender, Favorite food, Zipcode and Relationship status. So enjoy with Tay and talk to her your heart out.


Nick is a Software Engineer. He has interest in gadgets and technical stuffs. If you are facing any problem with your Windows, feel free to ask him.


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