While using Windows operating system, you may have encountered the error 0xC00D3E8E. This error usually pops up when you try to move a file from one location to another. The warning message the error 0xC00D3E8E displays is “An unexpected error is keeping you from applying Properties to the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem”.
There are a number of plausible reasons, but it is hard to identify which problem exactly caused this error to pop up. But the most common reason is the error with metadata.
What are the probable solutions?
If the error has occurred once or twice and you have a System Restore point created on your Windows 10 computer, then you can restore back to an earlier settings, preferably to the restore point day.
Once, you have restored your machine to an earlier point. Once, you have done it, you can follow the remaining steps:
- Strip Metadata using ExifTool.
- The next step is to use FFMPEG to modify the Metadata.
- Finally, you have to change the metadata by copying the files to a USB Drive.
Strip Metadata using ExifTool
If the error has occurred with any media file, such as MP4 video files, etc, then you can use the stripping of Metadata using ExifTool.
Use FFmpeg to modify the Metadata
The next step involves using FFmpeg to update the metadata. You have to update the metadata of the file types that are showing you this particular error. There is a free tool for Windows operating system, called FFmpeg. This utility tool is based on GUI and is extremely fluid to use. You can deploy this utility tool to convert media files to different formats of the same type.
Change the metadata by copying the files to a USB Drive
Next, copy the files which are giving out this error, to a USB Storage Device. You have to change the metadata of the file copy and finally move the files from the USB device to any other location.