Google Chrome

Chrome browser is supported on almost every operating system like Windows, Linux, Mac. Google updates chrome browser with new features for it’s users. Latest version Chrome 83 has launched with its new set of features.

List of changes on Chrome

Google makes settings menu easier to access for latest version of Chrome than earlier. Let’s discuss the changed and newly added settings.

Privacy and Security Settings

Latest Chrome version has launched new Privacy and Security settings for safe browsing. This feature provides security checking of browser. If user tries to access or download any suspicious page browser will detect it immediately.

Browser has incognito or private mode and you can configure Cookie controls in that mode. Third party cookies track user’s browser detail for online advertisement. Cookie  control feature helps to prevent the third party cookies and maintain user’s privacy.

In settings section there is another important feature delete cookie  for sites individually.  With the help of the feature you do not have to delete cookies for all sites.

Safety Check

‘Safety Check’ option is under Privacy and Security setting. Browser includes this option to prevent unwanted installation by user. If user tries to install any harmful extension on his computer safety check immediately notify user to uninstall it. If you encounter any threat on web and it attacks on your Google account like Gmail, Drive safety check provides protection. It also scans Chrome to check the latest version is installed or not and also check user password is enough strong or not to maintain safety of browser.

Extensions menu

Latest version of Chrome change the position of Extension menu for easier access. Now it’s icon is as a little puzzle in the main toolbar. Click on the icon and list of extensions will show readily.

Site Settings

Browser organizes site settings into two division.

First section includes Location, Camera, Microphone, Notifications, Other sensitive website performance.

Second section includes recent permissions activity.

Tab Groups

Browser provides tab group option to manage different workspace together and organize tabs by individual group name in tab bar.

The tabs are editable. User can rename, change tab color and move around the tab bar.

Chrome has another feature to control web form. Chrome and edge developer jointly enhance the appearance and the function of html web form control.

If you are still using older version of Chrome them update it to latest version to access the new features.


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