Here is the list of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) commands for opening Microsoft Store apps via the command prompt, Run (Win+R) dialog, and PowerShell scripts. These URI commands can also be used to create shortcuts.
App | URI Command |
Available Networks | ms-availablenetworks: |
Calculator | calculator: |
Calendar | outlookcal: |
Camera | |
Cast | ms-settings-connectabledevices:devicediscovery |
Clock | ms-clock: |
Feedback Hub | feedback-hub: |
Groove Music | mswindowsmusic: |
outlookmail: | |
Maps | bingmaps: |
Media Player | mswindowsmusic: |
Microsoft Edge | microsoft-edge: |
Microsoft News | bingnews: |
Microsoft Solitaire Collection | xboxliveapp-1297287741: |
Microsoft Store | ms-windows-store: |
Movies & TV | mswindowsvideo: |
Notification Center | ms-actioncenter: |
People | ms-people: |
People settings​ | ms-people:settings |
Photos | ms-photos: |
Project | ms-settings-displays-topology:projection |
Settings | ms-settings: |
Snipping Tool | ms-ScreenSketch: |
Snipping Tool – screen snip | ms-screenclip: |
Tips | ms-get-started: |
Weather | bingweather: msnweather: |
Windows Security | windowsdefender: |
That’s all!