Lecturing is a very common method of teaching prevalent in universities and colleges. Different educators have different styles of teaching; still, one method that has proven to be productive is the use of PowerPoint. This is due to the fact that PowerPoint incorporates the use of audiovisuals, which tends to be very beneficial for learners. Just because a person chooses to use PowerPoint in his or her lecture doesn’t necessarily guarantee that the whole session would be worthwhile. In fact, a productive PowerPoint presentation should be characterized by interactions, clarity of points, enthusiasm, and expressiveness.
Nowadays, there are a lot of free templates that are available on the web. If you’re looking for incredible PowerPoint slides for your next lecture, be sure to click this link. You’ll find plenty of templates that are sure to match your needs.
Importance of PowerPoint in a Lecture Presentation
PowerPoint has truly revolutionized how educators and learners engage. The following are some terrific roles PowerPoint plays in a lecture presentation.
Note Taking Aid for Learners
These days, many tutors would prefer their students to take notes from PowerPoint presentation slides. You can effectively utilize PowerPoint as a note-taking tool is by using the Fill-in-the-blank slides. To go about this, create a slide with keywords as well as the information that is missing. When done correctly, this method helps the students to stay engaged during the entire presentation.
Lecture Prompt for Tutors
Many instructors use PowerPoint to help them maintain the flow of their presentation. If you’re planning on using PowerPoint for such a purpose, be sure to put short and clear information on the title slides to avoid confusing your audience.
Lecture Structure
Another great advantage of using PowerPoint during lectures is the ability to communicating the outline of your lesson to your students. At the beginning of your presentation, use a slide or two to give your students an overview of the main topics that are going to be covered in your presentation. You can also use transition slides to inform your students that you’re moving to the next topic.
Tips to Consider When Creating a Lecture Presentation
When creating a lecture presentation, there are a few things you ought to consider. Take a look at the following tips that’ll aid you when creating your presentation.
Have a Backup Plan
First things first, ensure you have a backup plan; as long as you’re using technology, always have a contingency plan in case of any malfunction or gadgets failure. You certainly don’t want to be in a position where the audience is waiting on you, in which you’ll only be wasting their precious time.
Take Breaks during Long Lectures
Incorporating short breaks during your lecture presentation is a very good practice. Creating breaks will allow the students to catch up on what you’re discussing and stay more active during the whole presentation. A simple way to achieve this is by encouraging your students to move around or giving them a short exercise to jog their minds.
Be Engaging
Nobody fancies sitting on a long boring lecture; ergo, always incorporate anecdotes or some funny narratives that students can relate to. The short narratives will help you drive your points home besides hooking the learners’ interest.
How you Can Make Your PowerPoint Presentation More Effectively
Create a Clear Structure
One of the most pivotal parts of creating a PowerPoint presentation is coming up with a good structure. Always ensure you commence creating your presentation with the structure before deciding on other elements such as the graphical appearance. By doing so, you’re more likely to accomplish the goal of your presentation.
Use Appropriate Font Size
When choosing the font size for your presentation, ensure you pick something that’s easily visible by the person sitting at the further seat when the information is projected. For your slide titles, the optimal font size ranges between 36 and 40, while sizes 30 to 35 works great for the slide text.
Use Contrasting Colors
Projected materials are always duller than the actual content; therefore, ensure you use text that contrasts perfectly with the background. This would eventually help the general readability of the content you display.
There are definitely a lot of things that can be said when it comes to giving an effective lecture; still, implementing the points mentioned above will go a long way in ensuring that your PowerPoint presentation is successful.