business tech

The internet is a vast platform for exchange of information. We cannot think our life without internet any more. Just as the internet usage is increasing massively, so is the threats associated with it. There are millions of malicious software applications and codes running in the internet, waiting to ruin you. We already know a lot about malware, virus, worms, ransomware, etc. Here we shall talk about 4 security threats that any normal internet user should know.


Botnets are very notorious type of security threats at present. It is a network of machines, which are controlled remotely a hacker with the aid of command and control network for attacking a large number of computers, which includes millions of zombie computers. Botnets are further used to release DDOS on certain internet paths. The target website apparently become busy enough to stop processing legitimate requests of the user.  It can even crash the system. The ultimate resolution of this issue is payment of a hefty amount as ransome. 

So from user end, you have to refrain your computer from becoming botnet zombies by using an efficient antivirus program. Using pirated operating systems and turning off updates increase your chance of getting infected. Sometimes it may happen that your PC is attacked by botnets despite having all security measure. Then the issue is resolved by collaborative efforts of your internet service provider, system software vendors and your country’s police department working against cyber-crime. 

Drive by download

Till date we knew that most virus and malware contracted in our PC when we downloaded files from unknown source. So, we stop downloading files from unsecure or unknown source. Are we protected now? The answer, unfortunately, is a big no. With a new form of malware or cyberattack, called, drive by download, your computer may get affected even when you have not downloaded any file. So why does that happen? A drive by download is an attack, which forcefully downloaded malicious codes on your PC from a website, when you visit the website. The websites are camouflaged as authentic websites. A normal user may not be able to distinguish between an authentic website and a replicated malicious website. These replica websites breed millions of malicious codes, which eventually have high probability of infecting your computer. From user end, you must keep your web browser updated always. If you use old versions of browsers, chances are high that drive by download codes will download in your system. Almost all browsers have an option to turn on safe search. Always use that!

Advanced Persistent Threats (APT)

APT is the acronym for Advanced Persistent Threat. It is a type malware, which facilitates a malicious code to download in an unprotected system network and remains in a dormant state. This implies APTs do not attack the internal system or cause any damage to the processor. Rather it remains quiet, steals financial with the help of malwares and exploiter kits and other confidential data from the computer and pass it on to the generator device. After acquiring the login credentials, APTs start damaging more internal parts of the system.

DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service)

Distributed Denial of Service is a very severe cyber attack whose damage rate is very high. DDoS blocks the hosted servers with requests for data. Consequently, the hosted servers become jammed and inoperable. DDoS attack online retail stores in general, camouflage as the original site, thus extracting money on a daily basis. A simple yet effective solution to DDoS attack is the use of web application firewalls. Web Application Firewalls provide more control on your web traffic. Sometimes, DDoS attacks are sometimes so massive, that it compromises the internet traffic of your website, in a whole.


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