Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and conversion rates are two of the most important facets of online business. Whilst one practice is focused on search engines, the other aims to address users. Nevertheless, the two can work in harmony.

The following article will address some of the best ways to improve your conversion rate while also improving your SEO. 

Create a Blog

Starting a blog is a great strategy to both improve your SEO ranking and have a positive effect on your conversion rate. When you create a blog you can hugely boost your SEO in several different ways. Regular content with select backlinks and high-engagement keywords are a great way to move up the ranks.

Dynamic Content

One way of boosting your blog’s performance is by using dynamic content. This sort of content will change depending on the visitor and is usually linked to geographical location. An example of this is your page displaying relevant products to a national holiday in the country of the visitor such as American independence-related content in the US on the 4th of July. TripAdvisor is a great example of how this feature can be employed effectively, showing you results for your current location.

Dynamic content improves the user’s experience whilst also boosting SEO. This is a top way to appeal to each individual user and enhance their experience, potentially resulting in improved conversion rates for your website or blog.


This term refers to the organisation of your website and how it should mirror what makes the most sense in your mind. In other words, your website’s design should be intuitive and easy to use without instructions or searching around for buttons and pages. Something as simple as this can improve conversions by making the user’s experience hassle-free.

Employing neuroscience to improve your user’s time on the website positively impacts three specific metrics and improves your SEO ranking. These are as follows:

  • Duration of time spent on the website by the user
  • Number of repeat visits
  • Bounce rate 

Including keywords in a natural way that appeals to users is another good way to further improve these metrics and improve conversions.

Visual Elements

Keeping visitors on your website for as long as possible is very important for success. The longer the duration, the more favourably the site will rank in SEO performance. Duration of visits under 30 seconds is poor, whilst over two minutes is considered excellent.

The best way to increase the duration is to conduct a thorough analysis of what your site does well and what can be improved. Adding visual elements is a fantastic way to remedy any shortfalls your site may have and increase average visit duration. Engaging visuals will keep users around for longer and help you rank better on search engines.

Page Load Time

This is perhaps one of the most vital parts of a solid SEO strategy. Page load times can make or break a user’s experience and severely affect your Google rankings, but they are often overlooked. There is likely no bigger barrier to entry than a slow loading page. Visitors have a very short attention span when it comes to waiting for a page to load and will often abandon a site if it takes more than a couple of seconds to load.

Using tools such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights will provide some data on how your pages are performing and will inform you on how you can improve them if necessary. Make sure to optimise everything on your homepage to load as quickly as possible from images to text and everything in between. 

Long-Tail Keywords

Using long-tail keywords is a terrific way to help users find what they are searching for when they type in their key terms on a search engine. They help your website come up more often and also improve your search engine optimization rankings all at once.

Targeting highly specific short-tail keywords related to your geography and other useful differentiators will help your website rise above others with very competitive keywords. There are plenty of keyword tools to help you find long-tail keywords that will help your site improve its ranking. 

In addition, addressing frequently asked questions in your field with long-tail keywords is another fantastic way to boost your SEO rank. It also doubles up as being incredibly useful to the user and will build a degree of trust with you and your visitors. This loyalty can lead to an increased conversion rate over an extended period of time.

Final Thoughts

Given the various ways to help increase your conversion rate through SEO, website creators have the ability to make a real difference to their businesses. The strategies in the above article can be easily implemented and will no doubt make a real difference if done so correctly.



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