Creating a VBScript File is not so difficult. You can type your command in Notepad and then change the .txt extension to .vbs. In this tutorial I will show you how to add VBScript files to the Desktop COntext Menu.

Steps to Add VBScript file (*.vbs) to New menu of File Explorer

1. Press Win+R to open Run Window. Now type regedit and hit Enter to open Registry Editor.

1. Now navigate to the following location.


vbs location

1. Select .vbs, right click, go to New and then tap on Key. Name it ShellNew.

vbscript files shell new

1. In the right panel, right click, go to New and then click on String Value and name it Nullfile. Do not set any value for the string.

null file

1. Again, under the ShellNew subkey, right click, go to New and then select Expandable String Value. Name it ItemName.


Double tap on it and set the value to @%SystemRoot%\System32\wshext.dll,-4802.

string value

The ADD VBScript file will be added to the Desktop Context Menu.



Nick is a Software Engineer. He has interest in gadgets and technical stuffs. If you are facing any problem with your Windows, feel free to ask him.


  1. How to define “1200 (UTF16-LE)” as default text encoding from registry ?
    (my default text editor is set to UTF8 by choice, I need to define that new VBS file’s text encoding, otherwise it will use UTF8 and be invalid.


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