Cortana is our personal AI digital assistant who claims to remind you all your important events and make your life a easier one. Microsoft launched this service in April 2014 and since then the Redmond based company has been consolidating all new features possible to incorporate in Cortana. Recently another new feature has been added to Cortana which is ordering Domino’s Pizza for you. Yes, if you are a pizza lover and have a Windows Phone 8.1, Cortana will order delicacies for you.

Cortana will help you order Pizza from Domino's Pizza

But hang on before being too happy, let me tell you this feature is available for Uk and Republic of Ireland only. Besides this, Cortana has not gained that that flexibility to understand any command. Now, it can follow from any one of the below stated commands.

“Domino’s, show me deals.”
“Domino’s, where’s my stuff?”
“Domino’s, show me pizzas.”
“Domino’s, show my basket.” (if items are in your basket)
“Domino’s, show me store details.”

We hope that soon more level of flexibility will be added into it. Cortana can perform a plethora of services like reminding you about important meetings, birthdays, make a call to a specific person based on your instructions. Recently Cortana has been powered by Oxford Dictionaries which enable Cortana to tell you meanings of words. The new feature we talked about, is now confined in two areas but we can always expect it to happeen for other countries as well.


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