System and Security

All Windows 10 Security and System tips. Know Windows 10 Technical Preview System and security tools details, new security features of Windows 10, different registry tweaks etc. Which Antivirus is optimized for Windows 10? How to enable maximum security for your Windows 10? Get all details.

USB selective suspend

How To Add/Remove “USB Selective Suspend” Setting To/From Power Options In...

In Windows 10,  the USB core stack supports the modified version is 2.0 of the Universal Serial Bus (USB) specification. It has a special...

How To Enable AHCI In Windows 10 After Installation?

AHCI stands for Advanced Host Controller Interface (AHCI). AHCI is a standard of Intel which specifies the operation of SATA host controller in a non-implementation-specific manner...
How To Get Computer BIOS Settings Using The Get BIOS PowerShell Module?

How To Get Computer BIOS Settings Using The Get BIOS PowerShell...

With the GetBIOS module, you can do a plethora of things, such as, listing down local BIOS Settings, listing remote computer BIOS Settings, exporting...
Tips To Fix bhtpcrdr.sys Blue Screen Error On Windows 10

Tips To Fix bhtpcrdr.sys Blue Screen Error On Windows 10

bhtpcrdr.sys is O2 Micro SD card reader driver. During Windows 10 installation or update, this error may land up, causing your PC to go...

How To Enable/Disable Secure Sign-in With Ctrl+Alt+Delete In Windows 10?

Windows 10 has included a feature that adds a layer of security during the sign-in process. When this feature is turned on, you need...
assistive technology

How To Change Assistive Technology Sign-in Settings In Windows 10?

Windows 10 Assistive Technology is meant for assisting users with any physical limitations, such as poor vision, blindness, etc. There may be many other...
How to Enable or Disable Controlled Folder Access in Windows 10?

How to Enable or Disable Controlled Folder Access in Windows 10?

Starting with the Microsoft Windows 10 build 16232, the Controlled Folder Access is introduced in the Microsoft Defender application. The Controlled Folder Access allows...
Meaning Of Command Line Syntaxes On Windows 10

IPersistFile Save failed, Code 0x80070005, Access is denied error while installing...

Installing new software is a part of everyday activities in a Windows device and facing problems during the installation process is also one of...
USB 3 Link Management

How To Add/Remove “USB 3 Link Power Management” To/From Power Options...

2 USB ports are required for a USB connection to be established. These are the Upstream (US) port and the downstream (DS) ports. A...
System unattended Sleep Timeout is the timestamp, which when achieved, takes the PC to a low power state. Why would some one need to alter the system unattended sleep timeout?

How to Change System Unattended Sleep Timeout in Windows 10?

System unattended Sleep Timeout is the timestamp, which when achieved, takes the PC to a low power state. Why would some one need to...